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Bryan Stegelmeier
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Poisonous Plant Research Lab

1150 E 1400 N

Logan, UT 84341






    1991              PhD                              Veterinary Pathology, Purdue University
    1991              Diplomat                       American College of Veterinary Pathology
    1987-1991    Pathology Residency      Purdue University
    1987              DVM                            Purdue University
    1983              BS                                Veterinary Science and Biochemistry;

                                                               Utah State University


Research Objectives

The objectives of this research are to evaluate the metabolic fate of plant toxins in livestock, characterize the clinical, physiologic, morphologic, and molecular alterations due to plant toxins, develop diagnostic methodology including immunologic techniques (ELISA and FA), determine degree and duration of intoxication, develop methods to predict a prognosis for recovery, and develop therapeutics and test potential antidotes for intoxication. Accomplishment of these objectives requires skills in clinical, gross, microscopic and ultrastructural pathology as well as specialized skills in immunohistochemistry, receptor binding assays, biochemical assays and molecular biology. Additionally, the pathologist collaborates with other team members in isolating and characterizing plant toxins, determining the mechanism of action and the effects of toxins on livestock, determining the plant, animal, environmental, and management factors that influence animal consumption and plant toxin levels, and developing management strategies to reduce losses.